Friday, November 17, 2006

Homeschool Events

Here is a smiling llama, happy to see the kids.

Bethany with a friend watching the llama's. One got mad and knocked Zach down.

Our family did Peru for the geography fair. There were about 20 other families that did other countries. The best thing is that each booth has food of that country at them. The best one was France, they were making ham and cheese sandwiches.

Halloween Pics

The 2 Weidman Indian Kids. This is what Oklahoma brings out in people besides cowboy boots.
Zach with his friends, Luke and Noah.

Zach with friends, Josh and Joy. We have no idea why Bethany is not in this picture.

Bethany saying "Hi, how are you".

Bethany loves this swing at the Barn Festival our church has for Halloween. I told Dawn that someday I want to take my kids trick or treating like the old days and how we used to do it.

Zach's Soccer Game

This is Zach playing goalie, he has a strong left foot, he is showing it off here on this goal kick. His team lost 3 games this year all to the same team. He had lots of fun and learned lots this year.
Here is dad giving his son a pep talk or making a "teachable" moment. And yes that is a Lions hat that I proudly wear every Saturday.
Zach punting from his goal position.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Zach's 9th Birthday

This was probably Zach's favorite present, a whoopie cushion. You can tell by the excitement on his face.
Sometimes they really do love each other. This hug came after the whoopie cushion and a lego knight.
Here is Zach with some of his presents along with Bethany and our family friend Amber. Zach said if he could not have Luke and Noah then he wanted Amber for his birthday party.

First Day Of School

First day of 3rd grade for Zach. We always get pictures of the kids with their teacher. The one good thing about homeschooling is that I can say how cute the teacher is!

Here is Zach and Bethany together and than Bethany with her teacher. This is Bethany's kindergarten picture, again make sure you notice the good looking teacher.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Highlight from this past summer

Here are the Weidman Boys (Men) at the Tiger game this summer, sorry Mike and Hans that you were not there, Mark is the picture taker so he is not in any of these. It was a great time.

Fireworks after the game we all enjoyed them, the best thing was that our seats were so high we were level with the fireworks.

Here is Zach and I at the game, gives you an idea how high we were sitting. I over heard another dad tell his son that these are the "nose bleed" seats. Zach and I had so much fun, not many things better that being at a game with your son.

Here is my brother John with his son Johnny.

By the way the Tigers won.

Basketball Game

Tonight is the first night of OWU basketball, off to the game with Zach and Bethany, it should be fun. Dawn is going to work on scrapbooking tonight. Hope everyone is doing well. I will figure out how to post pictures so everyone can see.

Basketball Game

Tonight is the first night of OWU basketball, off to the game with Zach and Bethany, it should be fun. Dawn is going to work on scrapbooking tonight. Hope everyone is doing well. I will figure out how to post pictures so everyone can see.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Beginning of Blogging

I am not good at sending updates to my family and friends so I figured I would just do what everyone is doing and blog. So here it goes.