Friday, March 23, 2007

Family Pics

We had these pictures taken last fall, I think I am lucky to have a great wife.

As you can tell Zach really got into the leaf throwing part. We had to have some fun with all the pictures that were taken..

I am so thankful that God has blessed me with 2 great kids and a wonderful wife.

Disney World

Going to Magic Kingdom is a great family time. We always have to watch the show at the Palace.
Bethany loves watching the Princess.
Even dad got into the hokey-pokey.
The kids love the tea cups, mom and dad can't handle them.
Our group watching the fireworks at the end of a very long, but very fun day.

Day at the Ocean

While in Florida we went over to Cocoa Beach for the day. It was a great day, was in the high 80's. The kids had a great time in the waves.

Christmas Time

Christmas at the Weidman's is always fun and you can never know what will happen.

We all got some great gifts, the kids always want to use every gift on Christmas Day.