Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Moving back to Spring Arbor

Many of you know that I have taken a job back at Spring Arbor. I can honestly that it feels really good to be home. We will miss Bartlesville and the people of Oklahoma Wesleyan. God has given us many special friends here is Bartlesville. If you are one of those reading this, we love you and will miss you.

Zach's Guitar Recital

Here is Zach and his teacher, Don Pearson. Don is so good and he loves to teach. Check out this site to hear and see Zach Perform. If you have a myspace account you can watch him do so well. We were very proud of him.

Walacroc and the Mountain Man Camp

This is a out at Frank Phillips Ranch. The kids get to shoot a Musket and throw an axe. It is fun. I keep thinking that this guy gets paid for this job.

If she was aiming at her brother she probably would have been right on target.

Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday at the Weidman's is a great time. Here are Bethany and Zach doing what they do best being funny and making people laugh.

Zach's Basketball

Zach playing basketball with the church this year. I was his coach and we had fun. Won 6 games, lost 2 and tied 1. Here are pictures of Zach taking it to the hole. The picture to the right is the new form of jump shot he is working on.


AWANAs is the Wednesday church the kids attend. Our kids love it. They do some fun things. Crazy Hat day along with pinewood derby cars, Bethany's car did great.

Zach with his friend Josh during crazy hat day.

Homeschool Events

One of the reason we love to homeschool are all the different things we can do. Here are many pictures of the kids doing different things. Here is Zach doing an egg drop. There is an egg in the can and they had to come up with different ideas to not let the egg break.

The bowling ally in town lets homeschooler bowl for free on Mondays a couple times a month.
It is all about the color of the ball.
Zach doing the mile run for the physical fitness award. He ran an 8:00 mile. Before that day every time he ran it with me it was around 9:00 minutes, it must have been me slowing him down.

Yes, these are rockets. Don't ask. Eypgt Day.

Dad's Birthday

Birthday's a big thing in the family. My first present was a Spring Arbor University sweatshirt. I need to get more of these because when I left SAU I gave them all away. Don't worry I will ask for them back from anyone.

Mini - Golf in Florida

These are pictures from the much heated mini-golf we have in Florida. For some strange reason Grandpa Hendershot wins, we all think he forgots to count some holes. Here is Anut Lisa trying to win the big event.
I usually let other people win, I do not want to win them all.
Zach is probably most serious of all of us. We try to tell him to have fun.

Grandpa hitting one of those shots he forgets to count.