Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Snow in Oklahoma

Bethany is getting ready to sled down the hill. We did not have to walk very far since we used hills on the golf course.
This was really not after a wipe out, mom wanted a fun picture. The tube was the hit of the hill everyone wanted to use it.

This is a true wipe out. I landed on Zach's head but he was ready to go again. Bethany is holding on tight.

Here is dad going down the hill faster and faster. Not sure I really wanted to do it time and time again but it was for the kids.

Zach is getting some good air going off one of the ramps we built to make it more exciting. After getting 15 inches of snow everything was closed down so all we could do was sled. It was so much fun. I told the kids I remember sledding down the hill and dad would pull me up, what a great dad. I did it only once for Bethany.


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